Posts written by Closexy

  1. .
    Thursday 15.00/15.30 my time
  2. .
    Boh ho finito le parole, forse non era il mio giorno fortunato ma cazzo

    perso vs gigo
  3. .
    perso vs digger sry team...badMU reep
  4. .
    mmh wednesday afternoon (about 5pm-7pm my time)?
  5. .
    perso vs flux gg
  6. .
    fren... :(
  7. .
    Sono uscito ora, 10 minuti che torno a casa

  8. .
    Sei stato bravo a giocare a dama!
  9. .
    Tomorrow about 5/5.30pm (my time) is it ok for you? Usually i log in with Closexy on NBF channel and Smogtour server. Where do you prefere playing? It's same for me
  10. .
    Tutte le mie scommesse sono andate a puttane..
  11. .
    hi Fluxinite.
    I am available to play from the 5 / 5.30pm at 6.30 / 7pm ( my time, gmt +1 ) . Tell me when you can play.

    see ya
  12. .
    Dragon Claws (3) - (5) VI Guardians
    ORAS OU: Insanity vs Roundabout
    ORAS OU: Eternal Spirit vs Lone
    ORAS OU: Znain vs Thunder Cebra
    BW2 OU: Zeno vs Joga
    DPP OU: Asuya vs Bro Kappa
    RBY OU: Disaster Area vs Charrol Astra
    ORAS Ubers: Darkdevil vs Sneakers
    ORAS PU: Mike D. Fenix vs amber lamps

    Talonflame L (6) vs (2) CI Fireblasts
    ORAS OU: Specterito vs Lange
    ORAS OU: Snow vs Hachimaki98
    ORAS OU: DiggerSR vs Cronenberg
    BW2 OU: Real FV13 vs Demolition Code
    DPP OU: hellpowna vs During Summer
    RBY OU: Troller vs Lutra
    ORAS Ubers: Nonnopapero vs Mister Vreo
    VGC16: Wonder vs Toxigen

    T Gators (5) - (3) Real Spheal
    ORAS OU: Decision Makers vs Barge
    ORAS OU: Ren vs Monna Lusa
    ORAS OU: AAamen vs Tricking
    BW2 OU: The Idiot Ninja vs Mix
    DPP OU: Albe vs Joe
    RBY OU: marcoasd vs Smilzo
    RSE OU: Coffe vs Karp
    ORAS RU: Emiliano96 vs silverghost
  13. .
    Vinto vs Hachimaki gg amik

  14. .
    Non ricordo di aver mamdato alcun potrei sbagliarmi, in questo caso mi scuso...anyway domani ci sono e giocheremo tranquillamente.
  15. .
149 replies since 24/4/2012