Il grande topic delle grandi prediction - Semifinale

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  1.     +3   +1   -1


    Cloud 9 Altarias

    niente raga eliminati da atli.

    scandalo sportivo.
  2. -oibaf
        +4   +1   -1

    User deleted

    momento di tifare contro teclis ogni game e contro skilla i prossimi games. Ho un record che non posso difendere alas
  3.     +8   +1   -1

    Advanced Member

    Cloud 9 Altarias

    fuck non postare quel link che ogni volta finisco per tenerlo in loop delle ore

    edit: troppo tardi
  4.     +6   +1   -1

    Black Rebel

    Land Of Confusion

    CITAZIONE (IMMENSO MAX @ 17/3/2018, 19:31) 
    niente raga eliminati da atli.

    scandalo sportivo.

  5.     +4   +1   -1

    Senior Member

    Vitality Vespiquens

    Fun fact: in 4 egl il team arrivato primo durante i gironi non ha mai vinto
  6.     +9   +1   -1



    CITAZIONE (ThrashNinjax @ 19/2/2018, 20:16) 
    I welcome people to keep predicting for the Bulls to beat us, it'll make our steak dinner at the end of the week taste that much better ;)

  7.     +13   +1   -1

    Ruler of the World

    All Kyurem-Blacks

    +Lord Ninjax: wait is sorry just throwing this game bc his team got curbstomped and is out of the playoffs running?

    CITAZIONE (ThrashNinjax @ 19/2/2018, 20:16) 
    I welcome people to keep predicting for the Bulls to beat us, it'll make our steak dinner at the end of the week taste that much better ;)

  8. SKT The Idiot Ninja
        +19   +1   -1

    User deleted


    well well. season over, sad times, etc. complimenti alle squadre che hanno fatto di meglio, prima di tutto. spero di vedere una bella finale.

    questa egl è stata un'egl strana. miracolosamente mi hanno fatto prendere un top16 stour a 20 crediti, e finisco il draft con tre adver, poi però uno mi finisce per odiare la tier a vita e l'altro mi cade in depressione quindi mi finiscono per servire tutti e tre. piani scombussolati da squalifiche, per noi e per altri (ma sopratutto per noi), poi c'è gente chi si scombussola i piani da sola draftando otto bwer, gente che si scorda che sm è una tier, gente che se lo ricorda ma compra gli smer sbagliati, gente che si scorda di comprare giocatori e basta, insomma un'esperienza esaltante dal primo all'ultimo ecco. l'unica cosa che so per certo è che nel bene e nel male ho davvero poche cose di cui mi pento e che tutta l'esperienza è stata fantastica, anche se è finita prima del dovuto. grazie a tutti quelli che l'hanno resa tale.


    AAamen: era dai tempi del TD che non interagivamo particolarmente ed è stato un piacere essere di nuovo in un team con te.
    hai fatto il tuo lavoro e sei stato l'SM di livello che mi aspettavo nel momento in cui ho deciso di spendere 49 crediti su di te, grazie per aver rispettato le aspettative ^^ ci si rivede. traps are not gay

    Corckscrew: che fatica farti giocare team seri ogni settimana. seriously. non hai avuto una season fortunata e meritavi uno score migliore, sei un teammate faticoso ma sul campo hai giocato come mi aspettavo e ti ringrazio per l'impegno che hai dimostrato per tutto il torneo. mi dispiace averti dovuto tagliare le ali su meme teams della peggio specie :S grazie di tutto, seriously

    CZ: I know you were hella busy with life so I really appreciated the time you put in, even if it wasn't a gigantic amount you still played your good part and covered excellently where we needed you. It was a pleasure to team with you again after last year's RoAPL :)

    Darken: Pice. Sono felice che tra tutti quelli che avrei potuto scegliere a 10k ho scelto di prendere te. Presenza in chat alle stelle, disponibile a dare una mano ovunque, non sarai il più forte sul campo ma sei stato una presenza non rimpiazzabile (e comunque sul campo sai pilotare pyukustall che è già meglio di molti altri in questo torneo lul). grazie per tutto l'impegno fren, ho apprezzato molto l'eccitazione e l'interesse nel torneo dall'inizio alla fine (un po' meno il doverti controllare qui e lì quando uscivi dalle righe ma ne è valsa la pena). scelgo bene anche quando sbaglio a upbiddare lul

    Dneon: Come per Darken qui sopra, l'impegno e l'entusiasmo valgono i crediti spesi anche se non hai avuto chance sul campo.
    Felicissimo di averti preso tra tutte le opzioni a quel punto della midseason, non ho tanto da dire perché sei stato qui per poco ma la tua presenza è sempre stata piacevole. :)

    eden's embrace: the only certainty I had going into the draft was that I absolutely wanted you. Now between exams and you having a very rough time with the game in general that unfortunately didn't play out too well, but I still really appreciate the effort and contribution in game prep while you were busy with other stuff in life. You deserved a better season, I hope to see you keep playing and improving, you have some great potential.

    Lopunny Kicks: ti amo. yes homo. meritavi più di tutti la vittoria, ti sei spaccato la schiena per la squadra e lavorare con te è stato in assoluto la parte migliore di questa egl. 10/10 would spend 55 credits on again. non avrai vinto questa egl ma in futuro farai risultati più grossi, non ti preoccupare tanto ;) se ti serve qualsiasi cosa sai dove trovarmi xoxo

    Ninjax: dude HOLY FUCK i like you and everything but learn to keep your mouth shut lmfao. i seriously admire anyone who can walk out of a team tour with you without having this sentiment. you have Quite A Fucking Attitude; all of that said, I don't regret buying you at all. when our ADVers had other issues to take care of you stepped in and clutched a good record against some very strong opponents. I think learning to be humble would go a long way in making you a better player and person, maybe you should make an effort in that sense in the future, and when you do get better in that sense I won't end tournaments with 'holy fuck' being the two words that come to my mind when i read your name. (was still a pleasure tho, even if you were problematic. would buy again.)

    raspberry: escarGOAT. already said what i needed in PMs but you were great throughout and absolutely the best mids purchase I could've gone for. professional, engaged, serious (but not too serious), tryhard, and a beast on the field. see you in roapl friend ;)

    slumpgod: the fallen soldier. you already know i much i appreciated everything you did for the team, and i wanted to win it in your honor as well. we came short but if you're up to it next year you're signing up with a known alt, we're not getting into any bullshit, and we're fucking winning. you're a fantastic guy and player.

    Teclis: escarGOAT #2. dude you're INSANE at this game and i don't know how or why i was allowed to get my hands on you for so cheap. I'm sorry the team fell short, you deserved to win this tournament. I don't know what your plans are for this game overall but I wish you the best for the future and I hope you enjoyed the experience even with the bad ending. :)

    + shoutouts speciali:
    XyZero: grazie mille per essere stato aperto e disponibile a parlare di tutti i provvedimenti con il tuo solito modo di gestire le cose. quel "Ma trollate?" non me lo scorderò mai. 10/10 tourD, grazie infinite per esserti spaccato la schiena per sto tour anche quando avevi cose più importanti a cui pensare.

    fran17: avevo in mente di spendere un bel po' di parole su di te ma ho realizzato che non hai esattamente una buona reputazione già di tuo quindi sarebbe superfluo, e sarò breve. sappi solo che hai fallito. il tuo misero, triste tentativo di rovinarmi il divertimento è finito tanto ma tanto male. questo torneo è stato uno dei miei preferiti se non il mio preferito in tutto il mio tempo sul pweb e non l'ho neache vinto. pensa te. quando il tuo little monkey brain si accorgerà che spendere le ore a trollare è un danno per te più che per chiunque altro ti sarai già rovinato troppo la reputazione. sono stato più che altro deluso dal resto degli umbreons che hanno incoraggiato questo tipo di comportamento o addirittura si sono uniti. ce la facciamo a ripudiare schifezze come questo user l'anno prossimo o dobbiamo continuare a tollerare questa merda? grazie eh.

    SamuelBest: BEOTA

    ora da bravo perdente esco di scena e mi siedo sugli spalti. spero di vedere una grande finale e di divertirmi nella finalina. grazie a tutti i partecipanti, organizzatori e spettatori di questa EGL per aver reso quest'esperienza possibile. <3

    e preparatevi all'HaZe Clan in EGL5. ;)
  9.     +5   +1   -1

    Advanced Member

    Vitality Vespiquens

    Ciao ninja non mancherai nei miei s/o finali

    Best manager by far.
  10.     +3   +1   -1

    Advanced Member

    Drunkings Spinda

    Bella ninja
    Hai fatto un asta bellissima e con tutti gli impegni che avevi (sopratutto su smogon) sei riuscito a fare uno score impressionante con il tuo team. Ho apprezzato molto il tuo comportamento come manager, spero continuerai a farlo pure l’anno prossimo ayee

    gl per il terzo posto
  11. ThrashNinjax - Trap Policeman
        +8   +1   -1

    User deleted

    lol it's over.

    idr exactly why I joined EGL to begin with - Sunny roped me into signing up, told me it'd be fun, and my interactions with the handful of Italian ADVers who play on PP (Coffe, Smilz, Atli and Lamps) convinced me that it'd be worth the ride. I'd heard mixed reviews about the Italian community but the promise of good battles was enough to make me sign up - since I sorta tend to ignore community reactions and just focus on winning as many games as I can (it may not be the best practice but it works for me ig)

    Auction and the first couple of weeks were a rollercoaster of emotions as I went from a fairly early pick (morale booster) to being forced to sub to Sunny and CZ (both of whom are significantly better to me to the point I was ok with it, but still riding the bench is never fun) to being forced to tag into ADV for 6 weeks and then to my surprise I actually proceeded to do well (plus or minus a few 'shambles' moments).

    It wasn't until week 5 or so that I realised that 'hey, this is a cool team, cool people and I'm actually having fun hanging out with them', and...that's sorta what's sticking with me now. I'm upset that we lost at the end despite being the first seed and undefeated during the regular season, but I don't regret the experience at all - cause we were was a legitimately great group of friends and generally nice people bound together by common purpose, we stomped a lot of teams and had a lot of fun along the way. I have a lot of special memories from the tour - stuff like Teclis discussing his skiing trip, Sunny recoing anime for Lopman, TIN giving Darken uni advice, me Lop and Darken chatting about games in the voice chat, rasp learning how to swear in Italian, slump constantly roasting I can't even pick out individual bits anymore, which goes to show how much I just enjoyed the whole thing. You guys were an absolute pleasure to team with and I'd love to wind up on a team with any (or all!) of you again.

    SPOILER (click to view)
    Kinda unorthodox but I wanted to shout-out the people I faced for good games and whatnot bc y'all are cool guys.

    melle you can be a bit abrasive now and again but beneath it all you're a good dude and a sharp player. Coffe you gotta eq the tar man don't risk rs miss...nah seriously you're probably the best Italian ADVer imo, your style is just methodical and brutally effective and your record isn't indicative of how truly terrifying you are. Atli #TeamFlying, also you played a cracker of a game against Sunny today and despite Toxic being weird you still earned your win and your top ADV record. Bomber that was a slick Jirachi set and you played it super well, also I was glad to see lamps getting his shot and showing people what he could do (even if it was at my expense). Hope to see a good ADV game in finals as well (Atli vs either Zok or Smilz, should be fun. :) )

    SPOILER (click to view)
    placeholder / wip cause I'm still writing these (all done now, think that's everyone, love you all)

    @Drop Stone lol you were awol p much the entire season but I remember during week 2 you randomly dropped a bunch of team dumps in general chat, and it was an appreciated gesture even if that was the sum of our interactions. Gl with future mons endeavours.

    @slumpgod lol rip the fallen. You were legit the best player on our roster and returned a bunch of clutch wins as well as a really nice start to week 5 vs Empo (which I remember as your best game), and despite the biased TDs keeping you from playing you hung around, passed teams and helped the rest of us out. Hope your smogban gets commuted bc you're a great guy who deserves a second chance.

    @Neon lol we didnt talk a lot but I could tell that you cared about the team and did your best to give advice where we needed it. Also you played a really solid game vs karp and rained on his parade (lol I'm so funny), would love to see you get your shot at playing a bigger stage in the future and gl for whenever you get it.

    @AAamen Like neon, didn't talk a lot except I don't really have an excuse on that one lol. But I could tell that you were a nice dude, (despite the language barrier lolrip), and you played some really tight solid games throughout the tour (especially the first two weeks), got us some solid wins, good stuff. Twas fun and I wish you luck for future endeavours. Traps are not gay btw! #TrapPolice

    @Corck our esteemed vice-cap, ik everyone around here says 'corck is crazy and brings weird stuff', and they may be right, but...idc, man, you're pretty lit. Like maybe you had some wild ideas (lol Raikou + MBro) but you made them work and your meta knowledge is insane, you know exactly how to play everything in ORAS to maximum effectiveness and it showed in your games. Aside from that you stepped up to the assistant captain role, took yourself seriously, tried to help us all out and ensure we were all motivated af, and you did pretty well at it (maybe you went overboard once or twice but we all do ig). Again, hope to see you in RoAPL / WCoP / wherever bc you're a fun guy and a great player.

    @Teclis Half of the famed escarGOAT core, you were one of a handful of people I recognised on my team after the draft. Saw some of your STour games (the regular season ones), and so I was excited to team with you, and you lived up to expectations with some true BW goatliness to the point you made me actually get back into the tier and start to enjoy it. Like...your mastery of the tier and playing was insane, from your sand balance wielding the first few weeks to whipping out 'the goons' vs Ale Duncan and obsoletizing him (that's totally a word btw), and aside from that you were also a super-nice, super-humble dude that I enjoyed chatting with during the quieter moments. Legit a goat, there's a reason you ended with the best record on this team, can't wait to see you killing it in SPL. :thumbsup:

    @rasp the other half of the escarGOAT core, I wasnt too sold on TIN getting you at mids (bc I wanted to team with Azogue lolrip), but you earned my respect by the first week, where you expertly prepped and secured a victory vs the man, the myth, the legend, marcop9923. They don't make DPP offense wielders like you anymore, they really don't, and you proved your creativity and mastery of the tier so often, as well as being a fun-loving guy I could enjoy talking to.

    raspberry - 02/16/2018
    Find it fun to see how difficult it is for a fren to sense what you say
    Teach me some insults :smirk:

    I feel so jealous that I didn't ask my teammates this question first. Anyways you're a great guy, a great friend, gl in PPL / RoAPL / the works (although you probs don't need it bc you're that good lol).

    @Lopman Fun fact I actually assumed going into this tour that I was going to be the youngest person on the team (I turn 18 tomorrow lol), and I didn't realise until like week 7 that Lop was actually several years younger than me...which surprised me bc like how's this guy going into high school yet already a goat at this game lol? Fucking prototype FlamingVictini v2...I mean this man took on Gondra, a legit SPL-level starter, who brought Lucha Rain which looked like an autowin vs your team, but then you just proceeded to hammer him turn after turn, outplaying and eventually locking down a win against one of the best SM players on the planet. Fucking amazing stuff my guy - ik you won the Italian SM National as well which gives you bonus awesome points. All the mons domination aside, you were one of the most active / funny members of our chat, was always nice to talk in voice and see the cool teams you cooked up. You've probably got the highest skill ceiling and brightest future of anyone on our team and I'd love to wind up on a team with you again.

    @Darken Biggest heart on the team, easily, like you were always up to talk, test, offer advice, crack jokes...the works. It was fun to see someone so young and yet so committed despite sitting on the bench, and I'm pretty sure I speak for the entire team when I say that you were easily the most likeable guy on the team, and it was always fun chatting with you and seeing how cheery you were. And like Lopman, you got your Crowning Moment of Awesome Week 6 - stepping up to start for the first time, replacing the fallen slumpgod and facing Acsel who was undefeated, but you didnt let it get to you, you brought Pyuku stall and handed him a solid L with some really tight play. Great stuff - you've got a bright future ahead of you.

    @CZ lol this wouldn't be complete if I didn't shoutout everyone on the team but like...LOL ik you're quirky (and its cool, we're all crazy here) or whatever but sometimes you just get downright insufferable bc of it and I never know whether you're serious or just fucking with me which makes it worse.

    CZ - 03/12/2018
    New rule; tell Jax he's bad at least 3 times a day


    but yeah, it was really nice teaming with you because CZ when he cares is a legit mons demon and through the quirkiness I could tell that you cared (despite me accidentally driving you into quitting ADV LOL I'M SO GOOD), and you stepped up across the board to get wins and help others get wins. You manned DPP really solidly for 3 weeks and your support was crucial in rasp overperforming as well, and you tagged into SM to prove that your goatliness transcends mere tiers. Stick around, seriously, it's a fun game and ik you love it even if you bitch about hax, plus if you quit we'd all miss you, seriously. You're always the life of the party and the tour wouldn't have been nearly as fun without you. :)

    @TIN lol sorry for being a headache to deal with :(, also sorry for letting my prep for the last two weeks get so lackluster that I unnecessarily risked our team's record, I got kinda overconfident ig but yeah. Also thanks for being willing to take the risk on the guy infamous for choking his team out of WCoP, and I'm glad to know that at least you appreciated that I can get a win when needed.

    ik I've went on about how great and skillful the entire team was and how individually they're all beasts that could dominate opponents with their eyes closed...but not mentioning you would leave a critical piece out of the story, because our team was filled with a lot of the high-confidence, fun-loving types (like myself, CZ, and rasp), and you filled the valuable role of our anchor, keeping us grounded and sane, testing and passing teams across the board, and pushing us all to deliver our best every game. It was a thankless job, an ardurous one and yet it was probably the biggest individual reason as to why our team outperformed everyone's expectations, because you welded us into a unit and ensured that we could all perform at close to our peaks (if not at), and you always made yourself available to help anyone who needed it. You're a natural leader and a great friend and I hope to see you killing it in the future (also hope you get your SPL trophy, :wogoat:), gl managing in PPL and RoAPL as well.

    @SunnyORAS lol you're literally the entire reason why I'm writing this bc you told me this existed and talked me into signing up, thanks I guess, can't believe I missed you on my first pass (although LOL I'm dumb forgive me), but yeah.

    ok I really don't know what I can say bc you were AWOL for quite a bit of the season, but it's alright, irl comes first and ik you needed the break from this game. The games you did play weren't indicative of your true level bc truth told you are legit one of the best ADVers walking this planet, methodical, sharp, you're good at playing your preferred handful of teams and wielding them to good effect vs anyone, and I've seen you step up and perform on the big stage time and time again. The SPL Midseason pickup was definitely merited, and even though you were AWOL your support from the backseat was huge, critical and without it my record would probably be as bad as Karp's (LOL KARP).

    Aside from all that (which reads like a set of backhanded compliments although truth be told I consider you the GOAT and probably the most skilled player on our team (and yes I'm counting Lopman Teclis and TIN in that)), you're a really good dude to know, you can be icy / unapproachable sometimes and your temper can flare but your mons knowledge is on point and even just randomly chatting with you turns out to be fun because you've got a lot of misc knowledge and it makes for fun convos. Also you put up with me which gives you bonus likeability points (and I will start watching anime someday LOL maybe when I'm through first year and have some time). You're literally the older brother I never had, thanks for always managing to be there and help me out and sticking with me thus far, and yeah, gl wherever life might take you (in mons and irl). 'Hope u find ur pce' - UD

    All that said, we played some good games, we had a good time, and despite losing we can still walk off the figurative field with our figurative heads held high. Figuratively. Hope to see some good games for finals and a deserving winner (think either of the finalists would make solid winners, my money's on Monte Argento but we'll see), gl hf to both teams. Cya all next year.

    #SKTentacoolT1 #TrapPolice #HaZeClan

    Edited by ThrashNinjax - Trap Policeman - 3/23/2018, 08:01 PM
  12.     +7   +1   -1



    Bene da dove iniziare... premetto col dire che è stata una esperienza indimenticabile, piena di emozioni, peccato sia finita proprio sul più bello, penso che avremmo meritato di più per tutto l'impegno che ci abbiamo messo, ma come ben sappiamo ci sono alti e bassi ed essendo pokemon può capitare di tutto.

    Lopunny Kicks: holy fuck hai fatto progressi allucinanti, mi ricordo quando eri mate con me al TS. Sei migliorato tantissimo e per me averti come mate è stato bellissimo, eri stato uno di quelli con cui volevo trovarmi. Ne abbiamo passate di belle e penso che sei stato fondamentale per arrivare ai playoffs. Continua così e farai grandissimi passi. Sai come la penso, hai tantissimo potenziale anche per essere un big su smogon, è raro trovare in Italia gente con tale passione per il gioco e con questa grandissima voglia di mettersi in gioco. Well done.

    Aaaamen: abbiamo iniziato ad interagire quando abbiamo fatto i tryouts per Baoba e poi magicamente ci siamo ritrovati in team da Ninja. Sei uno di quelli con cui ho parlato di più in assoluto e con cui mi sono fatto più risate e sono contentissimo di averti avuto come mate. Sei un'ottima persona e hai anche tu tanto talento... hai tante ambizioni e hai le carte in regola per realizzarle, sii però meno duro con te stesso e un po' più tranquillo... per ogni cosa pmmami su discord xd. Felice di averti conosciuto! Well done!

    Corckscrew: official oras goat. Come per Punny ci conosciamo da taaaanto tempo e sei riuscito a dare un contributo non indifferente al team. Di te mi ha sempre colpito la tranquillità e sicurezza anche nelle situazioni più drastiche, sei sempre così positivo o.o, penso sia uno dei tuoi cavalli di battaglia in questo gioco e penso che probabilmente è una cosa che dovrei imparare a fare qualche volta in più ahahaha. È stato bello ritrovarti in team. Well done.

    Eden's Embrace: yo bro, don't worry about the lost... you haven't done that good in this season but you helped so much with preparing ADV and DPP games. You're an ADV monster and don't give up, you did your best!

    CZ: fam, It was nice to meet you! I thought you were a cancer because once, a time ago, you flammed me in an RSE-loltour game because you had a bad MU against Raikou... anyway when EGL started I changed idea about you, you revealed yourself so good and solid and I've had a lot of fun testing DPP teams with you, gg and well done, you've done a good job man!

    Teclis: holyfuck you're a beast man... I was hoping before the auction to have you as teammate, because I was impressed by your smogontour games. You're so solid and I wish the best for you. You've prepared well your games despite you were the only one well experienced BWer. You've done an amazing job! Gg.

    Raspberry: yo man, same as Teclis I was impressed by your DPP skills. You've an high skill level in DPP and it was amazing having you as teammate! Gg!

    DNEON: Madonna Neon ci conosciamo da tanto tempo e ormai calliamo quasi sempre ogni giorno insieme alla crew dell'onore. È stato bello averti come mate perchè nonostante giochi da poco hai tantissimo potenziale, specie in RSE, mg che ti sta prendendo molto ultimamente. Hai le carte in regola per fare tutto ma devi esporti un po' di più (ahahaja hai capito il riferimento?) e vedi che diventi una macchina da guerra. Spero che questa egl possa averti motivato! Well done!

    Rozes: slumpgod. Christ I was dazzled by your skill. You are
    a fucking god at playing this game and I'm so mad about the fact that you got banned for these weeks... you were significative to do playoffs and I think that we've learnt something good from you! Gg

    Ninjax: man you're good at playing ADV. (Italian) People trashtalk about you but I think that you're a good guy and your adv tips were fundamental, gg!

    The Idiot Ninja: No, non ti ho lasciato per ultimo in quanto sei il meno importante, anzi. Ho da ringraziarti di mille cose perchè grazie a te ho imparato tantissime cose riguardo alla mentalità da assumere in questo gioco. Parto col presupposto che speravo di non trovarmi con te in team perchè pensavo che tu portassi rancore nei miei confronti (a causa di controversie in tempi passati, ma vbb è acqua passata) e non ero convinto delle tue skill da manager. Ti sei dimostrato al contrario un ottimo manager, probabilmente il migliore di questa EGL e mi ha colpito il modo con cui hai gestito la squadra. Tanta sicurezza e fiducia, componenti ottime per un ambiente di squadra, probabilmente le componenti che ci hanno fatto andare avanti fino a questo punto. Ti devo ringraziare anche perchè hai scommesso su di me e spero di aver ricambiato la tua fiducia (magari un po' meno vs pizzark ma vbb ti avevo in fondo un po' avvertito, era stata una settimana molto pesante e stressante e non avevo quindi la testa per giocare ma ho cercato di fare il meglio anche lì o.o). Certo, mi sarebbe piaciuto giocare qualche game in più, ma non mi lamento, so di aver contribuito anche quando ero panchinaro e so che comunque mi sarei impegnato tanto per portare a casa i games in caso fossi stato più volte titolare, semplicemente perchè mi sarebbe piaciuto contraccambiare al massimo la fiducia data, insomma è una questione di principio. Grazie anche di quei piccolissimi suggerimenti che ci hai dato qualche volta in chat per provare a combinare qualche piccola cosa in più in questo game. Hai condotto un'ottima season e hai reso questa EGL molto memorabile, spero sarai manager anche alla prossima perchè te lo meriti e spero anche che riuscirai a diventare captain alla wcop! Potrei dire tante altre cose ma mi limito ad un grosso GRAZIE. Il GG più grande va a te.

    Ora voglio concludere con un piccolo s/o dedicato ad una persona che non è stata player all'EGL ma che mi ha aiutato a riprendere tantissima motivazione in questo gioco e che mi ha aiutato tantissimo per arrivare preparato all'evento.

    Simia: my baguette smogon tutor, I've learnt a lot from you and I've appreciated that you believed in me and in my potential abilities. Best usm tutor of all smogon.

    Che dire, è stata una esperienza fantastica, spero di ritrovarmi con almeno qualcuno di voi (se verrò draftato xdxd) perchè siete tutte persone con ottime attitudini e non potevo chiedere mates migliori.

    #skt #trappolice
  13.     +7   +1   -1

    if you're gonna give her all your money and time, i'm not gonna sit here wasting mine on you.

    Vitality Vespiquens

    Here we go. Anche io ho intenzione di fare degli s/o ai miei mates, ma prima vorrei spendere 2 paroline per il team in generale. Sono contentissimo, ma soprattutto ORGOGLIOSO del loro lavoro, siamo stati undefeated per tutta la regular season rimontando anche weeks come quella contro gli slowkings. E' un peccato uscire ora perché questa vittoria ce la meritavamo tutta, alas.

    s/o ai mates
    Aamen: Sono contento di averti conosciuto, sei una bravissima persona ma in particolare un ottimo giocatore, in entrambi gli aspetti (gameplan e preparazione dei matches) e sono contento di essermi potuto confrontare con qualcuno come te.

    Pice: Ti ringrazio molto per la disponibilità nel testing, nella preparazione ed in generale per averci aiutato quando ne avevamo bisogno. Sei migliorato molto e credo questo si sia visto. Continua così.

    Neon: Ottima presenza, sempre on ad aiutare in tutto: testing, preparazione dei matches o anche per cazzeggiare. Grazie di tutto, hai dato anche tu il tuo contributo al team e mi dispiace tu non abbia potuto giocare nemmeno un game, veramente tanto.

    Corckscrew: Anche se sei nabbo, sei un'ottima presenza anche te nella chat. Meritavi un result migliore, ma forse le prime weeks avresti potuto prepararti meglio :I

    Cz: Man, I like you as a player, u can play lots of tiers and be great in all of them, you also were present in the chat to talk about games and other stuff, great job :D

    Sunny/Eden: You are incredible. I feel like u are one of the best players I know atm, u played the last match well in my opinion, and happens to forget something when u are pressured, well done bro

    Ninjax: You talked a lot in our discord chat, and u also won important games, maybe u talked too much on the forum but oh well

    Raspberry: you are so good, u played and prepared your games perfectly. We talked once in a call and I really enjoyed it, good job

    Teclis: what can I say, if not TECLOAT. U are absolutely incredible man, good player, good presence, good at all basically lol. U can even play in higher tours like u did in the smogon tour. Keep your work up bro!

    Rozes: SLUMPGOD. SO good as a player, helped a lot with team preparations and all that stuff, thank you so much man

    Per ultimo, ma non per importanza Ninja:

    Inizio col dire che, sono orgogliosissimo di essere stato draftato da te, sei fantastico, veramente. Sempre disponibile per tutto, in qualunque momento. Ho dei ricordi fantastici delle nostre conversazioni, tipo quando mi hai fatto gli esercizi di matematica con tanto di spiegazione, lmfao. Also, credo tu sia il migliore manager che io conosca, hai realizzato una squadra veramente veramente solida, che aveva molte chances di vincere il tour. Grazie mille di tutto

    s/o esterni
    Ringrazio snow per avermi dato una mano a preparare alcuni matches decisivi e per avermi supportato moralmente prima dei matches, love u :3

    Niko, quaze e acsel per i testing games che mi hanno concesso, grazie bros

    Fatti questi s/o vorrei dire un'ultima cosa

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    [21:06:07] +Pohjis: well done retard

    Vomero's Grovyle

    Bhe ragazzi che dire, avventura pazzesca questa egl. E' stato un sogno diventato realtà farne parte, ma senza indugi passiamo agli s/o
    Lopunny Kicks: bho fam 6 fortissimo keep it up xkè farai passi in avanti :)

    Aaaamen: trap power

    DDarken: o ciao fam

    Corckscrew: ahah

    Eden's Embrace: bho non lo conosco non so come memare top k0k

    CZ: :same:

    Teclis: :same:

    Raspberry: :same:

    Dneon: ciao chi mi sessa


    Ninjax: fam youre a myth i love you

    The Idiot Ninja:ciao ninja bacini a te e famiglia

    bhe ragazzi quindi che dire è stata un'emozione pazzesca giocare con questa squadra fortissimo, grazie x le mille emozioni :)
  15.     -3   +1   -1

    Advanced Member

    Vitality Vespiquens

    CITAZIONE (Rennyy @ 12/3/2018, 19:00) 
    stop con ste lolfrecciatine, cmon

    Also ti consiglio di concentrarti sui games del tuo team, questa volta non finirà nello stesso modo.
123 replies since 12/3/2018, 00:13   4886 views